By Vijay Cherukuru, director of product at Walmart GoLocal Around the globe, 7,000-plus companies have announced plans to achieve net-zero carbon emissions or carbon...
In a strategy to bring more efficiency to a freight broker sales workday, recruiting and training consultancy Journey recently announced its partnership with lead...
A digital rendering of the planned Faymonville factory in Arkansas. (Faymonville) [Stay on top of transportation news: Get TTNews in your inbox.] Faymonville Group,...
Mack Trucks added a dozen dealerships to its network of electric vehicle-certified locations in North America, the OEM announced last week. The EV network...
Chart of the Week: OReefer Outbound Tender Reject Index, Van Outbound Tender Reject Index – USA SONAR: ROTRI.USA, VOTRI.USA National refrigerated (reefer) tender rejection rates (ROTRI) have...